Our Walmart
Our Walmart is the very best. I have shopped their long enough that I know many of the employees on a first name basis. I am very satsified with the service. When I have trouble locating an item, I am able to find am employee. If they know where the item is they take me directly to it. Not like so many stores who just say--try isle 3 or 4. I am handicapped and when I enter the store if no elec. cart is available they walk to the other entrance and try to find me one. The cashiers are friendly and for the most part ask if I found everything I needed. The worst part is the lack of cashiers when the store is the busiest. Unless you shop at midnight, there is almost always a line. The only real complaint I have is the lack of elect carts. If there is one in the area of the shopping carts, they are usually there to recharge. This store could use several more for each entrance. When they break down it takes forever to get them fixed, just making the shortage worse.