Not up front with customers
I went in back on November 2012 to get a new phone since I was due for an upgrade, I was told I had $600 towards my upgrade and was happy to get a new phone, due to not having a new one with them in over 3 years. Few months later I find out that I am being charged an extra $20 a month for payment towards the price of the phone, $20 for the internet, wasn't aware or notified or even asked by Christine if I would accept these conditions. She told me $180 out the door for the new phone with my upgrade. I finally called Tmobile and down graded to $10 a month for internet, but if I was aware of the $20 a month for the phone I would have baught the phone cheaper off craigslist slightly used for half the price. Don't call it an upgrade for one and two TELL YOUR CUSTOMERS EVERYTHING THAT WILL BE CHANGING ON THEIR PLAN!!! Don't sceam them into it.