T-Mobile Arlington VA

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1 2 3 4 5
1 Review
4238 Wilson Blvd Ste 1222,
Arlington VA 22203 Phone Number: (703) 243-7832
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T-Mobile - Arlington has 1 reviews

Amazing service

1 2 3 4 5

I recently went to this location to seek help for my new phone that I purchased in Delaware. I needed my contacts and information transferred to my new phone. The staff at the Delaware location were completely unhelpful. I had read some negative reviews about this location but figured I would give it a try. The person that helped was fantastic! He really knows how to provide the customer service that keeps loyal customers. He was friendly, helpful and informative. He even offered to send me some cool music for my new phone. I have been a T-Mobile customer since 2000 but my experience in Delaware had me considering switching carriers. My experience at this location completely changed my mind. Thank you DL! I am sticking with T-Mobile.

-by (26, January, 2013)