Amazin Service
Just amazing, jaw dropping, great service! I live on the west coast and bought some items off of Craig's List in Jersey City at a great price. The seller had no car to transport the items to a pack and ship store. It was 3 days after Super Storm Sandy and many stores had no power, staff or packing material. Ooops Rich, "The Magnificent" came to my rescue finding someone to pick up my items from the seller and bring them to PostNet. He spent a lot of time and effort figuring the safest yet most economical way to ship everything to me. This entailed numerous phone calls and emails back and forth. My friends couldn't believe a person I had never met would go to so much trouble. Good Luck Jersey and a speedy recovery from your new fan. Thanks a million Rich!
*****This is a follow up to the above rating** Since no one could believe anyone would go too so much trouble, I must have gotten ripped off right? I took my receipt with box dimensions, weight , insurance and packing material to my local Package Express and ask them to give me a quote for sending it back to the Jersey City zip. PostNet beat their pricing by a mile. Then I went to FedEX and ask for a quote. Not only was the quote more expensive they didn't have have the boxes I needed for the unusual shapes being shipped. I love being right about the innate goodness of a person. You are the best Rich!