Dropped by today, Jan 31, 2013 went through the drive thru, had to repeat myselt 3 times and then at the end of the order I decided I wanted an apple pie and she ash ked me if I would like to try the other fruit pie and I said no twice and then I get home and what do I have, but the cherry pie or whatever it is. I don't like them, plus Im allergic to it and immediately had to wash out my mouth and take my shot or I would have ended up in the hospital. I live in Melbourne but am going to physical therapy maybe two blocks from you and have been stopping by there on my way home because the closest popyes to me is in West Melbourne and I live in the Suntree are. I just wanted to point this out because if I had not had my meds with me I could have ended up in the hospital or better still been in a car accident not only hurting myself but someone else as well. I think your employees should make sure that they check their orders thoroughly.
Sheila Buck