Pizza Hut Dalton GA

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Pizza Hut

1 2 3 4 5
1 Review
1505 W Walnut Ave,
Dalton GA 30720 Phone Number: (706) 278-0622
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Pizza Hut - Dalton has 1 reviews

Poor Service

1 2 3 4 5

Friday Nov 2, we went to this Pizza was not very crowded and there were plenty of tables, albeit they were all dirty.....We stood behind a family waiting to be seated, there was a sign telling us that they would seat us, and after we were there for 5 minutes that family got seated. We continued to stand there while the 2 workers walked all around of the male employees passed by and said I'll be right with you.....5 more minutes passed, two other customers came in for pick up orders and they were helped by the male employee that had told us he would be right with us....all total we stood there for 15 minutes and then left with one of the take out order customers and he said to us.....I don't blame you at all. This is inexcusable for a company like Pizza Hut. We have always enjoyed eating at these establishments but this was the first and last time at this particular location.........

-by (05, November, 2012)