Horrible in Nearly Every Aspect.
This store is very unclean and boring. Everything in the store has this depressing aura about it, and this mood seems to transfer readily to the attitudes of its employees. However, the regular associates may have other reasons to be unhappy to work here. On more than one occasion, I have witnessed managers, whom I believe were named Agnes, Rhonda, and Doug, loudly and openly reprimand associates in an unprofessional manner in front of myself and other customers. Couple that unprofessional behavior with a general unwillingness to assist customers (e.g. any time I have asked a manager for help, they have seemed totally displeased with the fact that I may need help, told me to find an associate, or even just said "I don't know" and walked away) and you can have a pretty accurate measure of the managerial quality in this establishment. I would never recommend this store to anyone. Jumbo Foods, United Supermarkets, Save-a-Lot, and even Wal-Mart are much better alternatives to K-Mart in Enid.