Kebab Express Edinburgh - Hours & Locations


Kebab Express - Edinburgh

146 Easter Rd, Edinburgh EH7 5RJ Phone Number:0131 661 3487
  1. Store Hours
  1. Mon. Open 24 hours
  2. Tue. Open 24 hours
  3. Wed. Open 24 hours
  4. Thu. Open 24 hours
  5. Fri. Open 24 hours
  6. Sat. Open 24 hours
  7. Sun. Open 24 hours
Distance:1.12 miles

Kebab Express - Edinburgh

252 Gorgie Rd, Edinburgh EH11 2PL Phone Number:0131 337 9070
  1. Store Hours

Hours may fluctuate

Distance:1.81 miles

We have 2 Kebab Express locations with hours of operation and phone number.

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