Gamestop Waukesha WI

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1 2 3 4 5
2 Reviews
1210 W Sunset Dr,
Waukesha WI 53189 Phone Number: (262) 521-1549
More Info
  1. Mon. 10:00am - 9:00pm
  2. Tue. 10:00am - 9:00pm
  3. Wed. 10:00am - 9:00pm
  4. Thu. 10:00am - 9:00pm
  5. Fri. 10:00am - 9:00pm
  6. Sat. 10:00am - 9:00pm
  7. Sun. 11:00am - 6:00pm

Gamestop - Waukesha has 2 reviews

Just say NO to Gamestop!

1 2 3 4 5

Yesterday, I called Gamestop on Sunset Drive in Waukesha and talked to Jon about purchasing a PS2 console. He told he had 2 models in stock a thick one $40 and a slim one $50. Today, I went in and met Jon and told him I was the guy who called him yesterday about the PS2. I told him I was interested in buying the thick PS2 console. He then told me that he thought I was someone else who he had sold the thick PS2 to and only had the slim model in stock. I asked about the thin PS2, "That was the $50 one?" Jon said, "It's $60 .. $59.99" I told him he said $50 on the phone. "Well, it's just $9 more." replied Jon. Feeling that I was a regular mark, Jon then told me that the newer model and was better. I told him that I was sorry, I'm not interested, thanked him for his time, and left. 7/9/13

-by (09, July, 2013)

game-stop review

1 2 3 4 5

The store itself is great, its clean and new but the staff is lacking. the manager is rude and impatient. the rest of the staff is nice and willing to help. the inventory of the store is always full and new releases are always in. To me 3 out of 5 stars is the highest this establishment should be rated.

-by (07, November, 2012)