Just say NO to Gamestop!
Yesterday, I called Gamestop on Sunset Drive in Waukesha and talked to Jon about purchasing a PS2 console. He told he had 2 models in stock a thick one $40 and a slim one $50. Today, I went in and met Jon and told him I was the guy who called him yesterday about the PS2. I told him I was interested in buying the thick PS2 console. He then told me that he thought I was someone else who he had sold the thick PS2 to and only had the slim model in stock. I asked about the thin PS2, "That was the $50 one?" Jon said, "It's $60 .. $59.99" I told him he said $50 on the phone. "Well, it's just $9 more." replied Jon. Feeling that I was a regular mark, Jon then told me that the newer model and was better. I told him that I was sorry, I'm not interested, thanked him for his time, and left. 7/9/13