..... unusual
On Sunday morning, November 25, 2012, I went to this Stefko Blvd. Burger King for an egg and cheese muffin. They had no mechanism on the computer to put that in. So much for "my way". It had to be entered as a sausage, cheese and egg muffin. "No meat". Apparently either the computer, or those in the back did not understand "my way". I got a sausage and cheese muffin. Not a big deal. Just another trip to the counter. But what happened next disgusted me. I went up to the counter to address the incorrect item and the woman behind the counter yelled back to the kitchen, and from three feet away ... tossed both (there were two of us) sandwiches in the trash can right in front of me. A waste. I know. I just think it might have been protocol if the sandwiches were returned to the back and "disposed" of there. A better bit of PR, no? I think the place is handled by a bunch of armatures and, of course, the computer!