Chevron Customer Service

Chevron Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:1 (925) 842-1000

Shortcut: Wait for an agent

Average Customer Rating

1 2 3 4 5
Score 1.3
Website: Chevron Website

Chevron Customer Service Hours

N/A - Edit

Reviews For Chevron Customer Service (2)

Credit Card Hold

1 2 3 4 5

I purchased gas for $22 and Chevron was paid from my debit card followed by an additonal $99 hold on my banking account

-by (Sep. 13, 2013)

Unsafe & Lazy Employees

1 2 3 4 5

Corporate responsibility? company has hired individuals that don't even help their patrons. I had an attempted car jacking on Friday May 24th. Right at your location by the front of your establishment located at 2501 N Sr-7, Hollywood, FL. They did nothing. They didnt even check to see if I was ok or call the police. I am a nurse and if someone drops I am obligated to help. After seeing how the employees are, I will never stop at your unsafe establishment again. I will also past this message to friends, my co-workers and my husband's military squadron. This event happened right in front of a security camera which the employee wouldn't give access to the police. The stole my world, my wedding ring, my purse which had my medical licenses, passport my whole identity. Your company helps the community then make your stations safe, hire employees that will help or call for help.

-by (May. 27, 2013)