Alamo Customer Service

Alamo Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:1 (800) 462-5266

Shortcut: N/A - Edit

Average Customer Rating

1 2 3 4 5
Score 5
Website: Alamo Website

Alamo Customer Service Hours

  1. Mon. Closed
  2. Tue. Closed
  3. Wed. Closed
  4. Thu. Closed
  5. Fri. 7:00am - 7:00pm
  6. Sat. Closed
  7. Sun. Closed

Reviews For Alamo Customer Service (1)

Happy renter

1 2 3 4 5

Thank you Alamo for such an easy process and great customer service. I especially appreciated "Byron" who checked our car back in at Clearwater. I promised him I would give feedback and was delayed in doing so, my apologies. I rent cars several times each year and prefer Alamo, better cars, better rates, cleaner cars and awesome staff like Byron. Thank you (Kevin Deary)

-by (Mar. 7, 2013)