Fatburger Customer Service

Fatburger Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:(310) 319-1850

Shortcut: N/A - Edit

Average Customer Rating

1 2 3 4 5
Score 1
Website: Fatburger Website

Fatburger Customer Service Hours

N/A - Edit

Reviews For Fatburger Customer Service (2)

future employment

1 2 3 4 5

I live in Louisville, Ky. I was wondering why we don't have one here.. I was watching Undercover Boss an realized I have never heard of this bossiness before... I would even enjoy working for this company !!!! Nice C.E.O.

-by (Sep. 6, 2013)

Where is a Fatburger in Wisconsin?

1 2 3 4 5


I have searched the Internet for over an hour without being able to find Fatburger restaurants near me. Your website location finder does not work either. By the way, I make my living on the Internet. Also, I am looking because of Undercover Boss and I want to try your burgers.

-by (Jun. 28, 2013)