Value City Furniture Customer Service

Value City Furniture Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:1 (614) 221-9200

Shortcut: N/A - Edit

Average Customer Rating

1 2 3 4 5
Score 1
Website: Value City Furniture Website

Value City Furniture Customer Service Hours

N/A - Edit

Reviews For Value City Furniture Customer Service (7)

Sent a new couch with tear in it

1 2 3 4 5

Ordered my first set of brand couches, had them for three months when cleaning one day found a peace of faberic hanging off the bottom. After lifting the couch they sent me a new couch with tear in it, did not tell me anything about it at all they just tried to find it from me

-by (Aug. 7, 2015)

Disgusting Commercials

1 2 3 4 5

Your commercials are annoying and gross to put it lightly. What adult would sit and gag/vomit over a piece of furniture, or roll back and forth over a bed saying "business / pleasure" Explain that to a 5 year old. The worst one is the stupid women having an orgasim over a chaise.I turn that one off every time I see it. Your commercial writer needs to be fired for this insanity!! This does nothing to ever entice me to come into your store to shop. I imagine that is what your sales people are like.

-by (Jan. 30, 2015)

Unhappy customer

1 2 3 4 5

Purchased a bedroom set , some of the items was damaged ,they promes us with exchangd and $75 refund, It's been almost 2 weeks and we have got nothing . I called the store few times they keep saying we will call you back. This was the worse experience I had with customer service .Next time I will take my business somewhere els.

-by (Feb. 25, 2014)


1 2 3 4 5

Been waiting since July 15th for a sleeper sofa to be delivered. Have paid for it already on my credit card!!!!! Will never shop here again and tell anybody know how bad.

-by (Sep. 12, 2013)

customer complaint

1 2 3 4 5

Sofa purchased was damaged.VC will not pay for return,or delivery costs!

-by (Jul. 21, 2013)

customer complaint

1 2 3 4 5

Customer complaint!

-by (Jul. 21, 2013)

unhappy customer

1 2 3 4 5

I went into your store in sandusky last night to purchase a reclining sofa your add stated 20% off of recliners and excludes factory outlet and clearance items but did not exclude sofas or love seats and when I approached management they said the last add had pictures so it was easier to understand how very rude to imply I was stupid and needed pictures to understand what your add meant so needless to say that's false advertisement and I'm not sure what word for saying I need pictures so I did not buy a couch or anything and just left I'm sure 20% off isn't enough for me to ever go in there again and my mom needed a new recliner so we didn't purchase that either I will tell everyone I know about my experience

-by (Dec. 21, 2012)