Whole Foods Customer Service

Whole Foods Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:1 (512) 477-4455

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Average Customer Rating

1 2 3 4 5
Score 2
Website: Whole Foods Website

Whole Foods Customer Service Hours

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Reviews For Whole Foods Customer Service (11)

Cannot reach customer service

1 2 3 4 5

I have tried for three days to have someone from customer service return my call and have had absolutely no response from anyone. This is a disgrace to WF to let this happen. Hire some more staff and get on top of this. No more groceries for me from WF!

-by (Dec. 2, 2015)


1 2 3 4 5

Stop putting canola oil In your prepared foods. It's poisonous and carcinogenic.

-by (Mar. 2, 2014)

Please get Just Mayo

1 2 3 4 5

Hampton Creek foods is producing a plant based mayo that is really good. Please start stocking this product in your stores.

-by (Jan. 20, 2014)

store location

1 2 3 4 5

You should look to building a store in Winchester, VA. There are no stores of its kind and many people travel over an hour to get to one of your locations.

-by (Dec. 7, 2013)

grocery bags

1 2 3 4 5

Customers!!!! Please insist Whole foods have there fabric bags be made in America. Presently they are not.

-by (Aug. 7, 2013)

Spanish-speaking Policy

1 2 3 4 5

Whole Foods is based in Austin, Texas, a state which is accustomed to keeping their Hispanics as secondary citizens, even though they are now a minority majority state like New Mexico. The difference is that in New Mexico we do not tolerate intolerance. Now they have fired two employees for speaking Spanish, allegedly because this would make the customers uncomfortable. This is nonsense. I speak Spanish all the time and people have never expressed any discomfort over this. The fact is that their Texas-acquired bias has shown its nasty face. I am now informing Whole foods that I will no longer shop their stores. They might as well pull out and return to Texas, the land of bigots. They are no longer welcome here in New Mexico. This is my land.

-by (Jun. 10, 2013)

Horrible customer service

1 2 3 4 5

I have repeatedly asked the store manager in Laguna niguel to have tiramisu available on the weekends. He continually promised me he would. I have been there 10 times on the weekend and no tiramisu. I get attitude from the employees at the dessert case. The manager called me a liar. I can't believe I bought stock in this overpriced company with horrible management. I can see from the other posts that there is very poor management.

-by (Apr. 14, 2013)

Bad Service

1 2 3 4 5

My wife and I shopped at your store regularly since moving to the neighborhood in 2009. Last year we spent $12K combined and did 90% of our shopping there. In January of this year my wife had an awful experience. She had a cart full of food and our two children with her at the register when she realized she left her wallet at home. Instead of coming up with a way to accomodate her, the store employee and manager told her she had to leave without the food and couldn't leave some form of ID behind so she could take the food and return later. My wife was already stressed trying to manage two children in the store and get the shopping done in time to make dinner. Wholefoods positions itself as a neighborhood friendly market, but clearly is more concerned with corporate guidelines than serving neighborhood customers. We have proudly avoided all WF stores since the incident and will continue to do so. We also continue to tell our friends and neighbors to avoid the store based on it's customer unfriendly policies.

-by (Mar. 20, 2013)

price discrepency

1 2 3 4 5

I went to local market here in Las Vegas on Las Vegas Blvd. purchased salad bar items on a Wednesday I was charged $8.99 per #on this day it is 5.99 per # minus 2- off. Had been purchasing it from this location for around one month as I am a senior traveler. I called and the manager made it right giving me a total refund but not before I spoke to someone else asst. mgr( did not get his name) who told me the price had gone up. Went to another location still 5.99 per lb. there. What is up this individual lying to me as there was no new sign which I pointed out to the asst. mgr. But the mgr. mad it right! Corporate lies must stop now!

-by (Jan. 3, 2013)

SOY MILK health over profit

1 2 3 4 5

I have been shopping at Whole Foods for 10 years. I was stunned to hear from my Whole Foods in Deerfield Illinois that corporate headquarters is dening them the right to sell SOY DREAM CLASSIC, and instead is forcing them to sell the 'enriched' variety only. To date, there is no known benifits to vitamin pills and yet Whole Foods has decided to deny me health over profits. I can't help thinking the narco-pharamcuetical industry is behind this. Taking away healthy foods and replacing them with questionable substances invented for profit only. I guess i need to agree with those who say WF is in it for profit only, and our health second. After 10 years I may need to say goodbye.

-by (Nov. 7, 2012)

New Store

1 2 3 4 5

Whole Foods is such a wonderful grocery experience like no other. Living on the west side of the State of Michigan, I do not get to have that experience. Please, please consider putting one of your markets on our side of the state. I want to have the resources to be healthy too!

-by (Oct. 26, 2012)