Love your new commercials. More, please!

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Love your new commercials. More, please!
I would like to share the WORST customer experience I have EVER had with ANY company. I mad an appointment to get my Kenmore refrigerator fixed. It took three days for a repairman to come out. He arrived at 8am sharp, great! Told us it would be $269.00 to repair our refrigerator. I was fine with that and paid him, no problem. That’s where my nightmare started. He “fixed” it and left in 30 minutes. Three hours later it was worse and warmer than ever. I called the repairman, no answer. I called Sears service line. They were no help. Finally the repairman called back. He told me “maybe you have another problem or need a new refrigerator.” This from the man who just took my money!!!!! I called Sears back. What a joke. The best they would was to make another appointment in three more days!!!! So my family still has no working refrigerator and I am out $269.00. What a ripoff!!! I work in retail and I promise to tell EVERY customer I can about my horrible experience with Sears. I told 11 people today!!!! Sears is a ripoff.
i love sears is is the best place you can find for clothes like dress shose purfume games for your children i just love sears
We brought a snowblower in for repair that was cosmetically damaged in a transit related incident to Sears Repair Center in Bloomingdale, Il. Sears repair center replaced the part with a used part and damaged the handles, we brought it back several times to rectify the problem and each time it came back worse! The sales people, including Harold, were rude and unwilling to assist. I even asked the price od a snowblower on the floor so I could buy that for our customer and the salesman would not compare the model numbers! When I asked for the manager, Virginia, he said she was too busy. We left the snowblower and will never shop Sears again. I am posting signs in all of our stores not to shop Sears with this letter.
I purchased a water heater in 2003. A couple of months ago, the pilot light started going out leaving us without hot water. The igniter assemble has been changed at least 4 times in the last 3 months and the pilot light keeps going out. The folks at Sears keep sending the same technician(?) and the heater keeps failing. I am very frustrated.
I purchased a garage door opener, had it installed not two weeks ago. Today, I came home and the door wouldn't close. They said it was the senors, which are not guaranteed.. I would need a service call - they worked backing and and didn't work coming home.
I purchased a water heater in 2006, which Sears installed. In Oct, 2008 the pilot burner had to be replaced. In Sept, 2010 the pilot light went out again, and they cleaned it. January 8, 2013 the gas value was replaced and I was instructed to correct the exhaust flu-pipe that Sears originally installed in 2006. January 9, 2013 the pilot light went out, again without hot water. January 15, 2013 my appointment was for 8am-12pm, service ctr called said the tech is running late and would be there a little after 12pm. at 1:57pm the tech called and said he would be there in about 30 minutes. 2:40pm the tech arrives. Unfortunately, I had kids to take care of and couldn't wait for the tech at that time. Still without hot water. the Pilot ignitor doesn't work. Worst service ever!
I purchse a workout item for my husband on Dec 30th they wasted no time in taking my money out of my checking account. The I called to find out where my order was and they transfer me a couple different locations and hung up on me. When I did get someone they couldnt tell me anything but oh let me email the company because it's not coming from our office. I am very one uphappy customer and will never purchase anything again from Sear.
Purchasing any item from Sears and expecting customer service is a waste of time. Purchased a gas range on 11/11/2012--promised delivery on 11/14/2012 and a call on 111/13/2012 to confirm delivery. That call to come from 6:00PM-to-9:00PM. No call received. We called to find out why at 8:55PM and were told delivery didn't have us on the schedule and had NO gas range in stock. Then said stove would have to be ordered from Chicago(Romeoville) Illinois for delivery and delivery would be made on Saturday. We weren't satisfied. Called Corporate HQ. and then received a call that the range would be delivered on Thursday 11/15/2012 beteen 10:00AM-120:00 Noon. Delivery came at 11:40 AM and they did not stay to check out operation--but left oven on and said it was to "cure" oven. Delivery people were gone in 15 minutes after arrival. Did not install anti-tipping device. Calls to Corporate HQ.'s have gone not returned since 11/15/2012 and promised by end of next business day. Evidently Sears has NO next business day. We did receive a call from the store manager who was more concerned with my use of the word damn (TWICE) in our conversation then he was in resolving the problem. Also promise a "price-matching" check(gift card) in the amount of $25.00 as as range was dropped in price on 15th. Check has not arrived. Today is December 9th at thais writing. We are attempting return of range and full return of $725.78 including NON-REFUNDABLE delivery fee due to all the hassle and upset caused in dealing with Sears. Had a Sears account years ago and closed that account when finances weren't so good. Think it was the best decision I ever made. With the customer complaints I have seen on complaint files on the internet sites--I can not forsee Sears continuing in business even as they are closing stores along with the K-Mart ones. Word of mouth is the best advertizement and Sears is talking out of one side only. False promises never set well with this individual and that is all I have received from the delivery people , Lafayette, Indiana store and Corporate Headquarters in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. Any one with customer service complaints--Sears could care less and your complaints should be in NOT SHOPPING SEARS. Their "SHOP YOUR WAY" rewards program MUST be a farce. Because it sure hasn't come our way!
Received the Ad for Craftman's club members. Have made 3 trips the store where no one knows anything about the item we are wanting to purchase. Called customer service who was also no help. After 1 hour on "hold" still do not know any more than I did before.
In my wildest imagination I could never dream that a store ass large as Sears could treat anyone as badly as they have treated me, but I see here that it is a habit with them. I have a mattress from them that is defective. I cannot sleep and my back is aching because it is higher on one side than the other. Due to the fact that it took me over 30 days to figure out what was wrong, they say they won't come pick up the bed and give me a refund. To make a long story a little shorter, over the past month I have spoken with at least 7 or 8 people on the phone, with the total time spent being several (and I mean like 4 or 5) hours, I have been dropped at least 5 times, put on interminable holds, corresponded via email with 4 people, been told three times they would come pick up the bed, etc. I made an appointment, finally for them to come pick it up (I only had to threaten to sue them three times). They were supposed to come pick it up tomorrow. I called to confirm and was told that the store canceled the appointment! After another hour and three people on the phone we reset the appointment for the day after tomorrow. If they don't come pick it up I swear to God that I am going to sue them; for the mattress, for my time, for my poor treatment and aggravation, and for my wrecked health.
my husband and i were talked into buying into a home remodeling jod, this was suppose to cost 19,000 how about that one . we were told that some one would be in touch with us within a few weeks to get the final measurements , we should have known better to back out then , we were contacted a month after the sales rep came to our home , the man who came was so nice over the phone when he called to make the appointment to do the second measurements, but then when he came to our home he was very unfriendly , he made us feel like he had something against Spanish people, he was very short with us , we could tell he didn't even want to be in our home. when he did the final measurements he wasn't even doing the right my husband had to correct him and when we talked about our counter tops he said he was going to be the one installing them but he told us he didn't have experience our counter tops cost us 8000.00 and he had no experience, that was the third bad sign . and then we were told it would be another 30 days before they had our cabinets in , we had to wait almost another month and half,, by the time they started working on our home ,we didn't get some of our cabinets , we had to wait another two weeks before we got those , then half the nobs were missing and , we converted over from electric to gas , so they had to ripe out some walls ,well some of my walls still aren't done , we can't get any one to ever call us back , and when we do get a hold of some one they are very rude , we were told sears was going to take care of us and that still hasn't happen , we were sent a gift card in the mail which was really part of our loan so it wasn't a gift card , when we went to use it we had to hassle with that too because it was cancelled and it took us almost seven hours in the store to have ot activated, this jod was suppose to take only a week its been two months now and our 19.000 job well we were told by sears we will be getting a bill now for 27.000.00 we will never , never do business with sears ever again.
After not being able to order something online I called customer service. Their idea of "free shipping" means in store availability!!! I may be wrong, but isn't that simply inventory??? Anyway, after speaking to several rude people I asked where the corporate hq was, the man did not know!! Really?! My next question was, "Where are you located?" he told me that he was outsourced!! There ya go people OUTSOURCING!!! He wouldn't tell me what country he was from...
Today is the FIFTH scheduled appointment where the technician did not show to fix my dryer. I am so done with Sears. With all the calls to customer service, you should know who I am. I just want to post my experience on every site I can find to warn everyone out there that although Sears has a wide selection of great appliances, you better think twice before purchasing from Sears, because if anything ever goes wrong or breaks, you're screwed! I have missed four days of work and on this fifth day, although I am off, I had to sit here again from 8am-5pm waiting for what I have now deemed the "imaginary repair technician"! Next, onto Consumer Affairs, Better Business Bureau and a consult with my attorney to see if I have a case here!
I had an appointment for repair of my oven on Tuesday November 20, 2012 between 12-6pm. I took off work to wait on the repair man- He arrived at 6:30 (no call to say he was running late) in my home 5 minutes looked at the oven and said I need help with this (two man job) you will have to reschedule. Not happy but rescheduled for Friday November 23, 2012 I took off again from work to wait on the repair man. I called SEARS repair service two times in the AM and was reassured that the repairman was coming to my home by 12 noon. On the second call the operator assured me she would call the technician to call me a let me know approx. time they would arrive. Needless to say no one called. At 12:30 pm I called Sears to be told no one was coming and I needed to reschedule again and this is customer service, all they had to tell me the first time I called was that no one was coming out today! After you pay for the warranty this is the service you get! I still need my oven repaired how many times are you required to take off work to get a repair completed? SEARS non customer service royal run around. SEARS PLEASE MAKE THIS RIGHT on my time schedule.
Thank You
Did not receive my order and I an still waiting. Call customer service and all I got was someone reading a screen telling her the order was shipping soon . This has 12 days since I order and it was going to be here before thanksgiving. Sears is not the store is use too be it is going down the toilet
There were 2 coupons in a NJ newspaper that I received. 1 was for 20% back in pts. with a new or transferred prescription & 1 was for 25.00 gift card for the same. I live in Sayreville & tried to find a KMart Pharmacy & the closest was 18 miles away in Howell.I went there with a new script & the pharmacist said he could not honor it! I have done the same in PathMark & did recieve a gift card. The pharmacist told me it was not allowed in NJ! I am very angry that I went that far only to be told invalid & NO. TERRIBLE advertisement. A waste of my time & my gas for nothing. What can Sears do for me since you own them?
On Sept. 7th Sears cleaned my like new wall to wall carpet. Upon completion brown streaks appeared in the bedroom & dining areas. Their cleaning people returned 4 times with different chemicals each time promising they could repair the damage. But each time it only became worse with brown stains and pink/orange streaks. I was assigned a case # and was basically "jerked around" for 2 months with the false hope that they would take responsibility. Today my case was denied and I'm left with ruined carpet and the $285 they charged to ruin my carpet! Sears carpet franchise dept. should be investigated. Since this happened to me I have heard other horror stories.
i have bought several items from sears have always been pleased with my major applliances/tv purchases , we went to sears to purchase appliances for our daughters first condo, originally had purchased 4 appliances from yale , left there when after paying our items we were told the refrigerator was gone repurchased 4 items at sears , they attempted to deliver the wrong refrigerator , we picked out another one , traveled to sears during the storm , was told the one we wanted was available ,the next day my daughter was told the refrigerator would not be available until sunday , we were then told there is a manufactures ,glitch , my question is how does the manufacture come into play if the item is in stock
2 out of 3 appliances purchased at Sears are defective. They have scheduled Technicians to come on several occasions, cancelled the appointments on their end or re-schedules without letting us know. We have taken unnecessary time off work, losing vacation and personal days without any favorable solutions.
Departments DO NOT coordinate services making it almost impossible to get a favorable resolution. What kind of business they run? I'm attonished at the way they push you over to the next department and keep throwing you back and forward like a yoyo.
When you ask for a higher up, they claim there is none. And according to them there is no next level up.
I'm so dissapointed! I want to return all the appliances and they say they will not reimburse the installation meanwhile everything went wrong with our order do to their incompetency and poor way of conducting business.
I will definitely report Sears to the BBB.