Poor Staffing Everyday!
Not enough cashiers during peak hours. Poor anticipation by managers to staff-up the front of the store. Makes all the customers annoyed...day after day at the same times. Please do something!

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Not enough cashiers during peak hours. Poor anticipation by managers to staff-up the front of the store. Makes all the customers annoyed...day after day at the same times. Please do something!
I love Safeway Kitchen's frozen "String Beans, Adame Peas, and Mushrooms." They are in a steaming bag just the right size for my microwave. I never can find it. I've asked two clerks to order me a case, and so far, no luck. Please help me...my salads are boring!
In Safeway on 7/13/2013,purchase Frito Lays Family for 6.99 should have been 5.00,Eggs 2.49 a dozen should have been 1.67 a dozens,Corn dogs 7.49 a box should have been 5.00 a box. Card was used and I did not get the sale on those items. Have not had the time to go back to store yet,I am out of 6.52.