1st review
Is there something wrong with you that you cant use a spoon to eat scrambled egg places do run out of stock if this is what you do when you cant get a fork image what happens when the petrol station runs out of petrol/diesel GET A GRIP

Is there something wrong with you that you cant use a spoon to eat scrambled egg places do run out of stock if this is what you do when you cant get a fork image what happens when the petrol station runs out of petrol/diesel GET A GRIP
having finnished my shift on sat morn the 1st of may i decided to have a breakfast at mc donalds maryhill. I waited until they had cooked the breakfast and finally recieved it only to be given a knife and spoon (yes a spoon ) to eat with now i dont know whether the fact im in my late fifties and thinning duped the member of staff into thinking i was a child unable to use cutlery but when i asked him what was this he said we have no forks a piece of info i would rather have had before they wasted thier time cooking a meal you cant eat without the proper tools. pehaps its just as well they only make burgers and have not branched into say aerospace, shipbuilding, nuclear power imagine the damage there when they cant even keep a stock of plastic forks available. i left and went to tesco across the road where i was spoilt for choice in plastic forks. ps why dont you ask tesco how they manage to keep a stock of plastic forks just a thought but perhaps just a thought too far for mcdonalds