Picture Me Customer Service

Picture Me Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:1 (888) 742-6386

Shortcut: N/A - Edit

Average Customer Rating

1 2 3 4 5
Score 1.3
Website: Picture Me Website

Picture Me Customer Service Hours

N/A - Edit

Reviews For Picture Me Customer Service (6)


1 2 3 4 5

I purchased the portrait CD come to find out the oh so rude representative failed to put the copyright release on the CD. So know I have photos that are basically useless. She was more worried about getting out of the studio for the rest of the night. I was originally scheduled to take my family pictures the next day but I was able to work around their schedule with my 4 children and husband to get them done. When we got to the studio they were already 2 hours behind schedule. so by the time it was our turn my children were restless and tired. we were scheduled for 7:30 p.m. we left the studio @ 10:30 p.m. I have been on the phone with customer service 3 times who claim its about a 5 min. wait and I have waited over an hour every time. Just TERRIBLE SERVICE. WOULD NEVER RECCOMEND THEM. They were once my favorite. Oh, and I never got my free 11x14 I guess I can chop it up as a loss. PISSED CUSTOMER is a understatement

-by (Jun. 3, 2013)


1 2 3 4 5

Spent over a hundred dollars on my daughters Easter pictures for my wife which is overseas in the Middle East and I waited over 2 months never heard anything and so I drive all the way to the store to find out they went out of business inside Walmart and they don't have my pictures. Absolutely worst crap I've ever delt with and will go out of my way to make sure no one I ever come in contact with ever goes to "picture me". So unprofessional and the pictures were outrageous for crap that I could have done! Absolutely disappointed in this whole expience!!!!!'

-by (May. 21, 2013)


1 2 3 4 5

I got pictures taken in march got an email 2 weeks later got some of my pics was told another shipment was coming in. Went in today and was told they r no longer shipping photos they r giving refunds call the company iv tried twice to get ahold of customer service wait time is 5 min i waited first 25 min the second time 46dealing min wish someone would answer the phone

-by (May. 8, 2013)

picture me photos

1 2 3 4 5

I am also still waitin on my photos its been over 2 weeks since they told me my pics were ready for pick up now I waited 2 damn hrs to get them done and also paid upfront and walmart keeps sayin there hasn't been no recent shipments ok but they don't no what to tell us or what to do well where r my pictures that I paid for that's all I want they can't keep our money and pictures they made us give an address least they could ship them there I'm so pissed right now my baby girl first pics and I prob won't get to c them and nobody is doin easter because its already over will so upset I just want my pictures

-by (Apr. 27, 2013)

Wasting Gas for no pictures

1 2 3 4 5

Took pictures at the blue springs picture me on Easter Sunday which seems to be the only studio left open in the kc area. Me and my husband was told our pictures would be back by the 11th of April. We were excited to pick the pictures up being that we had a new addition to our family and was ready to send pictures back home to the east coast. Well we arrived at the studio to find that it was CLOSED with a sign saying see walmart customer service for our pictures. We get to customer service along with other families to find that no ones pictures were there. Highly upset was i because i live all the way in grandview, mo and traveled to blue springs, mo (Google it) which is a nice stretch. The nice young ladies were very scared to tell us that they do not have our pictures. I feel like picture me shouldn't have someone else doing their dirty work. A courtesy call to your loyal customers would of been nice. So we were told to come back tomorrow and they should be there. Called customer service and no answer so again we traveled to get no pictures now it's Friday the 12th of April 2013 and have to wait til Monday to speak with someone from picture me customer service. I'm really upset and pissed my family have been dealing with these studios since 2009 when we had our first child and never have we had an issue like this.

-by (Apr. 13, 2013)

bad business

1 2 3 4 5

Very disappointed. I had an appointment to get family pictures on Easter Sunday.the whole families there and ready and they wanted me to wait over forty five minutes while they accepted the walk up customers. What's the use of scheduling an appointment anyway.I was. Furious. We had to break an annual tradition for poor management and no proffesionalism ..On top of all of that I can't seem to reach customer service. I've waited over twenty minutes on the phone and no response. This is very pathetic and inconsiderate. Bad business

-by (Apr. 1, 2013)