Yahoo Customer Service

Yahoo Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:1 (866) 562-7219

Shortcut: Press 2

Average Customer Rating

1 2 3 4 5
Score 1.5
Website: Yahoo Website

Yahoo Customer Service Hours

N/A - Edit

Reviews For Yahoo Customer Service (8)

Trying to get someone on the Phone

1 2 3 4 5

I have been trying to get my two Security Questions to show up so I can reset my password, and no such luck, you phone service sucks, "We are experiencing high customer call volume, please go to yahoo help, done that it it gives me nothing but a run around and I am really getting fed up.

-by (Dec. 17, 2014)


1 2 3 4 5

I have been on hold for over three hours and nothing. These guys do NOT care about their customers. I will never use Yahoo again

-by (Oct. 26, 2014)

you don't answer cc phones

1 2 3 4 5

We have been trying for two days to have customer care help us get back into our email. No one at customer care ans. the phone and we are locked out of working with the computer. We don't remember a security question and instead of asking another question that we can ans. you lock us out. Thanks for nothing for these past two days. Don't send us a text on our phone because we don't text. A call would be nice.

-by (Aug. 24, 2014)

Password Help

1 2 3 4 5

Long time user. I changed my password and could not log back on. After only several attempts I was blocked from logging on as a security threat. Can't email, the help phone numbers direct one to a useless phone loop. None of their solutions to correct the problem work, apparently on purpose. How do they stay in business?

-by (Feb. 25, 2014)


1 2 3 4 5

Have been trying for a week to get into my Email account. Help!!!

-by (Feb. 7, 2014)


1 2 3 4 5

I called, got placed on eternal hold for over 2 hours. They never answered. And my problem was never solved!

-by (Jan. 31, 2014)

Great web page

1 2 3 4 5

Provides a Variety of online shop to find all the 'best of' books, music, and movie, clothing, shoes etc...

-by (Jun. 12, 2013)

Useless; nonexistent

1 2 3 4 5

Received notice I was on a new computer--I was not. Refused to recognize place where I met my spouse--only. $99 to correct their mistake!

-by (May. 3, 2013)