Bonanza Ponderosa Steakhouse Customer Service

Bonanza Ponderosa Steakhouse Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:1 (877) 526-6766

Shortcut: N/A - Edit

Average Customer Rating

1 2 3 4 5
Score 1
Website: Bonanza Ponderosa Steakhouse Website

Bonanza Ponderosa Steakhouse Customer Service Hours

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Reviews For Bonanza Ponderosa Steakhouse Customer Service (1)

Terrible experience

1 2 3 4 5

Our visit to the Ponderosa Restaurant in North Syracuse, NY tonight was by far the worst experience we've ever had in a place of business. Although the service was mediocre, at best, the clientele and the overall atmosphere of the whole restaurant was intolerable. The food was barely warm and definitely not worth the amount of money paid for a basic level buffet. Most of the food was non-existent, either because it had been picked over and close to empty or because it had not been refilled in the hour or so that we spent there. Moreover, the lack of "propriety" throughout the dining area was unacceptable. We later found out that the cause for all of the commotion was due to the "Kids Eat Free" Tuesday special. Understandably, the restaurant is trying to create more business, but the lack of civility in the dining area made the food even less appealing and the whole experience not worth the time or money. There was no respect for table space from any of the other clients and the lack of order from management made the whole restaurant seem like a McDonald's play place. At this rate, we will never visit another Ponderosa, in any city, because of this one particularly bad experience in dining. We could have went to any Applebee's, Chili's or the like and received a great meal with a great atmosphere for the same price. This was unacceptable....

-by (Mar. 13, 2013)