CVS Customer Service

CVS Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:1 (800) 746-7287

Shortcut: Press 0-0-0-4

Average Customer Rating

1 2 3 4 5
Score 2.4
Website: CVS Website

CVS Customer Service Hours

  1. Mon. 8:30am - 7:00pm
  2. Tue. 8:30am - 7:00pm
  3. Wed. 8:30am - 7:00pm
  4. Thu. 8:30am - 7:00pm
  5. Fri. 8:30am - 7:00pm
  6. Sat. Closed
  7. Sun. Closed

Reviews For CVS Customer Service (8)


1 2 3 4 5

Your automated system is so bad I tried contacting a live person for over an hour, after trying to tell the system what I needed. I will be transferring my prescriptions along with my 3 children if someone doesn't contact me back by the end of the day. This is inexcusable!!!!!

-by (Nov. 19, 2014)

Derry NH

1 2 3 4 5

This has to be the one of the worst experiences I've had since getting cancer. I won't be doing business with cvs after tomorrow. I'm changing all my prescriptions over to walgreens. I've lost my last night of being upset because your associates have been so rude and ignorant to me. Don't hire people in the medical field that don't understand disabilities. All of my family and friends will be told about the ignorant associates.

-by (Jun. 11, 2014)

Very Good Customer Service

1 2 3 4 5

I was at CVS in 333 Washington Street Boston Ma There is a empolyee her name was Mildred she was most helpfull person I did business with. and manger & all his staff is very nice.

-by (Apr. 26, 2014)

extra care card coupons

1 2 3 4 5

Can CVS please have the cash register scanners automatically deduct coupons I have sent to my card online? Every time I forget to tell the cashier to look for the coupon, they forget and I don't get the deal. I like to shop at CVS, but I can't do the work of the staff all the time. Only one time did a cashier tell me I had coupons to use. Why is it even a question. Of course I want to use the coupons!!!!

-by (Feb. 10, 2014)

customer service

1 2 3 4 5

Obviously , there are some staffing issues associated with the CVS at 3500 Wake Forest Road , Raleigh NC.. I went by there yesterday (10-17-13) twice to get a script filled and both times had to leave because there were only 1 or 2 people working. The lines were long and customers frustrated. I wnet by again this morning and there was only one person ( the lead pharmacist) working. There was an elderly couple in the drive through that waited forever. I felt sorry for them. I heard the pharmacist say there were people leaving , people leaving and they were understaffed. I dont know how this happens a major company. This was a completely unacceptable customer service experience. How does this happen and what is being done to remedy this situation?

-by (Oct. 18, 2013)

Going downhill

1 2 3 4 5

CVS' pharmacy service in Southampton, NY, is taking a dive downhill. My latest problem was trying 2 fill 2 prescriptions last Fri., early p.m. When I picked up the perscriptions, only one was filled. A cryptic note was in the bag. It turned out the second item was not available, and would not be so before Monday after 3 pm, i.e. 3 days later. Why didn't CVS tell me when I picked up the perscrioption ? Why did they refuse to call other CVS locations to find what was absent from their inventory ? Why did a satisfactory fill take 3 days ? The pharmacy people here have gone from bad to worse, and I will not use them again. I came back on Sat., picked up my script, and filled it across the street at Rite Aid, who was knowledgeable, timely and helpful about the medication

-by (Sep. 21, 2013)

Itch relief gel

1 2 3 4 5

I purchased two 4 fluid ounce bottles of CVS Itch Relief Gel this past week. The bottles never appear to be full. About 85% of the bottle contains the gel, the remainder is air space. Am I being short-changed? (The bottle does have the top seal firmly in place.)

-by (Jun. 13, 2013)

Pharmacy Nightmare

1 2 3 4 5

I've been sitting here in the pick up lane for over 45 mins and there's at least 5 cars behind me. This store (7827) is so chronically understaffed in the Pharmacy. I'm actually thinking of switching and I spend quite a bit in your store. Please address this issue as I'm sure I'm not the only one with issues on waiting so darn long.

-by (Feb. 6, 2013)