Peet's Customer Service

Peet's Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:(800) 999-2132

Shortcut: N/A - Edit

Average Customer Rating

1 2 3 4 5
Score 1
Website: Peet's Website

Peet's Customer Service Hours

N/A - Edit

Reviews For Peet's Customer Service (1)

Not Ready for Prime Time

1 2 3 4 5

Just had my second disappointing visit to Peets. I was excited when I saw they were opening across the street (Monroe and Dearborn). went to get a bowl of oatmeal yesterday. Got there at 1015 -No Oatmeal It is not served after 10 --no matter what. Ok I guess I understand that because We want the oatmeal to be fresh and there is a sign. So I gave it another chance today at 0830--No Oatmeal. When exactly does Peets serve Oatmeal (between 0945 and 1000)?

If this is how Peets is going to operate here I guess I will just go to Starbucks. They always seem to have Oatmeal in the AM (in the afternoon and evening too). Maybe Peets Oatmeal is fresher and better, but I can't plan my life around the small window of opprtunity when it just might be available.

If this is a store issue let me know by email when you fix it.

-by (May. 3, 2013)