Taco John's Customer Service

Taco John's Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:(800) 854-0819

Shortcut: N/A - Edit

Average Customer Rating

Score 3
Website: Taco John's Website

Taco John's Customer Service Hours

N/A - Edit

Reviews For Taco John's Customer Service (2)


I have ate at Taco John's for many years. Tonight my food was nasty. I had a grilled chicken and the pita bread had hunks of charred something on it from the grill. I showed it to the cashier, she called the manager. The manager said, "Oh, that's alright, it came off the grill." I said "I can't eat this." She said, "Oh, that's okay," then turned and walked away. I said, "Hey, would you eat this?" she gave me a dirty look, but didn't answer and she did not replace my sandwich. The grill was NASTY! This occurred at the Taco John, North Green Street, Henderson, KY. It will be a long time before I eat there again! If ever.

-by (Sep. 11, 2013)


Missing Taco Johns more than life itself.

Two words to live by: Taco Tuesdays. Ahh the thrill of eating three great tacos for under two bucks!

Potato oles! I don't care that you came from a bag, you're so wrong, you're right!

-by (Jun. 11, 2013)