employee misconduct
i know i am not exactly good looking but to be called ugly and gross by a employee of the store is no acceptable manor for public relations type job.
i know i am not exactly good looking but to be called ugly and gross by a employee of the store is no acceptable manor for public relations type job.
Wow!!! All fast lanes open for 15 items or less! One self serve... The rest say out of order. And three regular tills open. Unacceptable Walmart!! Huge line ups, mad customers and idiot explanations of why.
standing in the checkout for 20 min waiting to pay for items, they have 4 tills open in 15 items or less. 2 tills open for over 15 items 2 floor managers talking to 3 other walmart employees about there night out and 2 other ladies standing there watching everyone in the line ups. along with 2 other individuals , myself included walked out of northside walmart. will not shop there again. the communication with walmart employees was nothing. no customer service at all.