My Experience with Walmart - Train Yards Location
I just love Walmart, at the Train Yards Location, Ottawa, Ont. Firstly, it is so convenient to where I live and easy to access. Secondly, just love the 'grocery section' now available - lots of selection and great prices. Thirdly, staff is so polite and helpful and they always 'greet you' (which is sorely missing elsewhere). Fourth, but not last, just love shopping for different items 'under one roof'i.e. one stop shopping (sure saves time running around to different stores for different items (saves on the gas too). Love the parking spaces AND the ability to be able to take your shopping cart out to your car (makes a huge difference) - again, a lot of other stores don't allow this 'luxury'. Love too, other services available (i.e. hair, restaurant, service counter NOT TOO MENTION clean bathroom facilities). If I had one issue to raise, it would only be to have lottery tickets available to buy. But then - one can't have everything. Thanks Walmart for coming to The Train Yards!